Visualization means forming mental images in our mind with our imagination. When you imagine cutting open a sweet, juicy, red apple and taking a delicious bite, your mouth waters, even though there is no apple. If you go there in your mind, your body, (in this case, your mouth) doesn’t know the difference. Experimental psychologists have proven that the human nervous system cannot tell the difference between the actual experience and the experience that is imagined.
Visualization is a spiritual practice based on the power and energy of the universe. There is a connection between the power of our mind and the out picturing of our imagined, visualized thought. We can use this visualization tool with anything in our lives— with our physical health, our abundance, our relationships, our material possessions, our jobs, and our general success and well being.

Ernest Holmes had this to say on the subject: “The possibility of life is inherent within the capacity to imagine what life is… It is not a question of failing or succeeding. It is simply a question of sticking to an idea until it becomes a tangible reality.” Visualization is something you can do over and over again—you stick to it and practice it.
In the one consciousness of God, we know all things are possible. From our human perspective, the only place that all things are possible is in our imagination! Neville Goddard suggested that the key to visualization is to feel yourself having, doing, or being whatever the thing is you desire. When we claim our desires in our consciousness, when we lose ourselves in the feeling of being the thing we desire, the quality, or experience will embody itself in our world.

It can sometimes feel challenging to visualize something like our perfect health, but it is possible. Let’s say you are dealing with a worst case scenario—something like a cancer diagnosis, and you have to get scans and tests done regularly. You can use visualization and imagine the scan results that you want to see. Write your own script of the doctor report and imagine yourself receiving it and reading it. Imagine how you will feel when it says the tumors have shrunk however much, or you are cancer free, etc. There are ways to use visualization with something serious like a health concern!
We visualize all the time without even realizing it, and we know the law works even when we don’t understand it or are not conscious of our use of it. So, when we are visualizing negative experiences and outcomes that we do not want, we get negative experiences and outcomes that we do not want. We often visualize problems and arguments. Have you ever planned an argument with someone in your head? We do it all the time.
We have to be aware of what we are imagining and do it consciously. As a collective, humanity tends to visualize conflict in the world. How many of us actively spend time imagining and visualizing people living in harmony and peace? Why don’t we do this? As you are imagining the life you want, remember to visualize the world you want to live in, the harmony, love, and peace. If we don’t visualize what it can look like and be like, then how will it ever happen? Remember, if we experience it in our mind… we are likely to experience it in our conditions.
Have FUN with the spiritual practice of visualization!